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Secure Your Access to theMultifamily Women® Summit 2024

Multifamily Professional

$ 997 Save $500 today or register later at rate of $1497
  • VIP All Access Multifamily Operators - Must own or professionally manage Multifamily apartments.
  • Free exclusive Multifamily Women® tank top or tee shirt plus all kinds of fun swag!
  • Registration includes every event, session, and activity over the 2 days. Including lunch and dinner and cocktails on Day 1 and lunch and cocktails on Day 2.
  • Consultants to managers or owners must register as Industry Partners/Vendors.

Multifamily Vendor Tickets

Sold Out
  • VIP All Access Multifamily Vendors - Individuals that provide professional services to Multifamily Apartment Owners and/or Managers.
  • Free exclusive Multifamily Women® tank top or tee shirt plus all kinds of fun swag!
  • Registration includes every event, session, and activity over the 2 days. Including lunch and dinner and cocktails on Day 1 and lunch and cocktails on Day 2.
  • Consultants, Vendors, Suppliers to Multifamily Professionals.

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Event Venue Information

Event Date: September 4-5, 2024

Event Venue Address: 245 E. Jackson St., Phoenix, AZ 85004 

Multifamily Women®: Pioneers of Innovation and Excellence

Multifamily Women® Summit Highlight Videos

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