Getting Your Career Story Out There Before Retirement

In the multifamily industry, many pioneering women are preparing for retirement, realizing their impactful stories remain untold. Despite social media’s absence during their prime, they can now share their journeys and inspire future leaders. Utilizing LinkedIn, blogging, visual platforms like Instagram, video content on YouTube, and participating in podcasts are effective ways to narrate their stories. These efforts ensure their legacies influence and mentor the next generation. Events like the Multifamily Women® Summit foster such impactful exchanges and learning opportunities.

Mastering Time Management with Key Strategies for Leaders

Mastering Time Management with Key Strategies for Leaders

Discover the art of time management for multifamily leaders and transform your daily routine into a powerhouse of productivity and balance. Learn to identify time thieves, delegate effectively, and embrace technology for streamlined operations. Get insights on work-life equilibrium and continuous self-improvement to keep pace with the evolving industry. Join us at the Multifamily Women® Summit for key strategies to excel in your role.