DAY 1: Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 2024

8:00am — 11:00am

Off-Site Morning Networking Experience

Details for this experience are still in the works, but this is included in all tickets - this is not an additional cost; it is part of the entire Summit experience.

Transportation will be provided to and from the event and the buses will drop us back off in plenty of time to freshen up and grab lunch before registration begins at the venue at 1:15 pm.

Watch the highlights from the 2023 Morning Experience!

Play Video

1:15pm — 2:00pm

Registration and Check-In

Registration and Event Address: 245 E Jackson St, Phoenix, AZ 85004

^^^ This is where you’ll spend the rest of your day so show up on time, come dressed to impress and be ready to meet and greet your new industry best friends.

You are welcome to eat lunch prior to arriving, but we will have light appetizers and hors d'oeuvres available during registration. We will provide dinner and drinks during the evening.

Check-in will be in the lobby of the venue where you’ll be required to show your EVENT TICKET to gain entry. Tickets will be provided to paid attendees prior to the event via text message and/or email.

We can’t wait to see you!

Dress code for the remainder of the day is anything from business to cocktail to glam. Many photos will be taken and you’ll be networking with amazing industry executives so keep that in mind! Having said that, there’s no judgment if you want to pair your sequin dress with your Nikes. 🙂

3:00 — 3:45pm

Keynote - The Gift of Grit and Resilience in Building a Legacy

2:15 — 3:00pm

Keynote - Overcoming Limitations and Attracting Success in Multifamily

Are your thoughts propelling you towards your goals or holding you back? In our transformative session, we'll explore how to shift your focus away from limitations and instead become a magnet for what you truly desire in your multifamily business.

We'll start by exploring the power of the mind. Learn how your thought patterns can significantly impact your professional journey, either restricting you with self-imposed limitations or propelling you towards success.

Discover the techniques for identifying and overcoming negative thought patterns that may be sabotaging your efforts. Gain insights into how to replace these with positive affirmations that align with your goals and enhance your potential for achievement.

We'll dive into practical strategies to align your thoughts with your desired outcomes. Understand how to attract success, prosperity, and advancement in your multifamily operations by harnessing the power of positive thinking.

The session will also delve into goal setting and visualization techniques that can help you manifest your desired outcomes. Learn how to set achievable, inspiring goals and use the power of visualization to draw these closer to reality.

This is more than just a session – it's a mindset shift designed to equip you with the tools to overcome limitations, attract what you desire, and drive tremendous success in your multifamily business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to reshape your thinking and unlock your full potential.

3:45 — 4:00pm

Networking Break

Grab some coffee, tea, or water and take a quick break before we dive back in!

Meet up with our event partners in the exclusive private lounge for one to one meetings.

Use this opportunity to continue networking and building relationships.

4:00 — 5:00pm

Keynote - Climbing the Ladder of Success Wearing 4-Inch Heels

Join us for a keynote by Laura Khouri, President of Western National Property Management (WNPM), at the Multifamily Women® Summit. With an impressive 38-year career, Laura has redefined multifamily property management and elevated the importance of this specialization in asset management across all economic climates. Under her visionary leadership, WNPM operates over 23,000 multifamily units valued at more than $8 billion, spanning California and Nevada.

Laura’s journey is a testament to the power of tailored service, empathy, and strategic communication in the commercial real estate industry. Her keynote will delve into the essence of effective leadership and success in multifamily property management.

Expect to explore topics such as climbing the ladder of success, mastering the art of silent communication through body language and micro-expressions, and understanding the impact you have on others. Laura will also share insights on achieving a balanced life, an oxymoron that guides her journey to becoming the best version of herself, and the joy of giving through kindness, charity, and empathy.

This session is a must-attend for anyone looking to gain valuable insights from a true industry trailblazer. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from Laura Khouri’s remarkable career and the philosophies that have made her a standout leader in the multifamily industry.

5:00 — 6:30pm

Networking Dinner: Cocktails, Dinner, and the Best Conversations

As we transition into the evening, prepare for an elevated experience filled with lively networking that fuels engaging conversations, a picturesque setting perfect for photos, a gourmet dinner to satisfy your culinary cravings, and the priceless warmth of genuine camaraderie.

We’ll have great music, incredible food, refreshing drinks, all set within a breathtaking venue where each corner lends itself to a perfect selfie moment.

Meet up with our event sponsor partners in the exclusive private lounge for one to one meetings.

And don’t forget to capture these special moments with our on-site professional photographer, ensuring your mementos from this splendid gathering remain as vibrant and heartwarming as the experience itself.

DAY 2: Thursday, Sept. 5th, 2024

8:30 — 9:00am

Doors Open

8:30 am – Doors to the Venue Open. Please arrive on time to get the best seats! There are many great restaurants in the area to grab a breakfast bite before the doors open.

Coffee and Tea will be available at the venue.

8:50 am – Be in your seats!

Dress Code for the Day: Business Casual is perfect for today. The amazing networking will continue throughout the day, you’ll have chances to talk to the speakers, and of course plenty of photos will be taken throughout the day. Dress for success!


9:00 — 9:10am

Opening Remarks

Join us as we kick off Day 2 with a swift, yet insightful recap of the transformative sessions, key takeaways, and memorable moments from our first day.

We'll also preview the enriching sessions, interactive discussions, and expert insights that lie ahead.

9:10 — 9:40am

Strategy & Adaptation Wisdom from our Power Panel of 30+ Years in the Multifamily Industry

Immerse yourself in a wealth of industry knowledge and experience during this insightful and captivating session featuring multifamily professionals who have dedicated over 30 years to shaping this dynamic industry. This isn't just a panel discussion - it's a masterclass in mentorship, strategy, and adaptation straight from the industry's most respected figures.

This conversation – from a diverse mix of experienced multifamily leaders – will share wisdom garnered from careers spanning multiple market changes, technological advancements, and evolutions in resident expectations. They've led teams through prosperous times and faced challenges head-on, emerging stronger each time.

They will share the strategic decisions and leadership styles that have driven their success and discuss the challenges they've faced, turning them into growth opportunities. Explore the steps they took to adapt amidst industry changes and learn how you can apply these lessons to your own operations.

The session won't solely focus on past and present. Our leaders will also look to the future – discussing the upcoming trends they foresee, the skills they believe will be necessary, and the opportunities multifamily operators should leverage.

We'll also venture into uncharted territory as our panelists discuss their most significant failures and the lessons they extracted from those experiences. This level of candid insight is rare but can prove vital in helping you to identify and avoid similar pitfalls in your journey.

An interactive Q&A will close the session, offering attendees the chance to tap directly into the wealth of experience on stage. Bring your pressing questions and challenges and seize the opportunity for some one-on-one advice.

This is more than a session; it’s a unique opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants and look into the future of the multifamily industry. Make sure to secure your seat – this is a masterclass in mentorship you can't afford to miss.

9:40 - 10:10 am

Unstoppable Growth in Times of Uncertainty - Building Connections with Multifamily Leaders

The Multifamily Women® Summit has created a space within the industry where the barriers fall away, and genuine connections are formed. 'Building Authentic Connections Among Multifamily Leaders' is not just a session; it's a movement. A rare opportunity for multifamily executives to come together, share experiences, and build a network of support and inspiration.

In this empowering session, you'll engage in conversations that matter. It's a chance to connect with other high-achieving leaders who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of leading in the multifamily industry. We go beyond surface-level networking – this is about forging bonds that empower, support, and elevate.

You'll hear from influential leaders who've navigated the path of isolation to build their circles of influence and support. They'll share their insights on creating meaningful relationships, balancing the demands of high-level positions, and fostering an environment of mutual growth and respect.

Don't miss this transformative experience. It's time to step out of the isolation and into a community of leaders who are ready to elevate together. This is your moment to build a network of genuine connections that will enrich your professional journey and personal growth.

10:10 — 10:30am

Networking Break

Grab some coffee, tea, or water and take a quick break before we dive back in!

Meet up with our event partners in the exclusive private lounge for one to one meetings.

Use this opportunity to continue networking and building relationships.

10:30 — 11:00am

Strategic Planning and Business Implementation Where Tech Meets Leadership

Industry experts will share crucial strategies for successfully navigating new software implementations in multifamily. This conversation will guide you through the entire rollout timeline, providing practical insights on optimizing deployment processes, fostering team collaboration, and achieving seamless integration.

Our panel will cover every aspect of software implementation, offering real-world advice and solutions to common challenges. Whether you’re a property manager, technology specialist, or industry stakeholder, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to leverage transformative software solutions that enhance efficiency, elevate resident experiences, and drive sustained business growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Step-by-Step Rollout Guidance: Follow a detailed timeline for implementing new software, from planning to execution.
  • Optimizing Deployment: Learn best practices for deploying software in multifamily operations to maximize efficiency and minimize disruptions.
  • Fostering Team Collaboration: Discover strategies to ensure your team works together effectively during the implementation process.
  • Seamless Integration: Gain insights into achieving smooth integration of new software with existing systems and processes.

11:00 — 11:30am

Executive Focus and Vision

In the fast-paced world of multifamily real estate, time is your most valuable asset. This session unveils the secrets of the most successful executives: how they optimize every hour for maximum productivity without sacrificing their well-being or personal life. You'll explore groundbreaking time-management strategies specifically tailored for the unique demands of high-level leadership in the multifamily sector.

Learn from the masters of productivity who have honed the art of balancing high-stakes decision-making, strategic planning, and personal commitments. They'll share practical tips and tools – from leveraging technology for efficient workflow to adopting mental models that enhance focus and decision-making.

But it's not just about doing more in less time; it's about doing what matters. You'll discover how to prioritize effectively, delegate efficiently, and create habits that ensure you're always focused on high-impact activities. Engage in interactive exercises that will challenge you to rethink your relationship with time.

Leave this session with a personalized action plan to reclaim control over your schedule, reduce stress, and achieve a sense of balance that propels you to new heights in your career. Don't let time control you; join us to become the master of your time and unlock your full leadership potential.

12:00 — 1:30pm

Networking Lunch

Lunch will be served in the main event space so we invite you to enjoy this time to continue to connect with each other and the speakers.

Meet up with our event partners in the exclusive private lounge for one to one meetings.

Use this opportunity to continue networking and building relationships.


11:30 — 12:00pm

Differentiating Your Brand and Everything that has Changed in Finding and Retaining Top Talent

Do you ever wonder why some multifamily companies always seem to attract the best renters & talent? The answer lies in understanding the power of 'Magnets'. In this session, we explore the secrets of successful multifamily operators who consistently acquire and retain top-notch residents & employees, thus creating a workforce that outperforms and outlasts.

Learn the art and science of positioning your company as a desirable place to work, drawing in the most skilled and dedicated professionals in the industry. We'll explore proven strategies to engage and motivate your team, ensuring not only high levels of productivity but also fostering an environment that employees are proud to be part of.

But it doesn't stop there. Keeping the best talent is a whole different challenge. Discover how to create a culture that rewards loyalty, inspires growth, and ensures that your top performers see a future for themselves within your multifamily operations.

From perceptive recruitment strategies to innovative employee retention programs, you’ll leave this session with concrete tactics to transform your team into a powerhouse for your multifamily business. This is the time to create your magnet - attracting and keeping the talent that will drive your business to higher levels of success.

We'll also tackle the critical issue of talent turnover and strategies to significantly reduce it. The cost of losing an employee goes beyond just monetary terms. It affects team morale, productivity, and can even impact your reputation in the industry. Learn how to implement robust exit management strategies and foster an environment that encourages employees to stay and grow with you.

Understanding the different generational values and expectations of the workforce is another significant aspect of talent management. This session will provide insights on how to satisfy diverse employee motivations and create an inclusive environment that appeals to employees across all age groups.

From learning to spot potential during the hiring process, to nurturing and encouraging that potential within your company, you'll leave this session armed with an arsenal of actionable strategies that can be immediately implemented for effective talent acquisition and retention.

Don't miss out on this vital session. The ability to attract and retain the best talent is no longer a luxury – it's a requirement for every successful multifamily business. Make sure you're in the room to gain the insights you need to transform your talent management strategy.

1:30 — 2:00pm

Negotiations in Business and Life

Are you getting what you want - in boardrooms, team meetings, vendor partnerships, or even in your personal interactions? If not, it's time to enhance your ability to negotiate effectively. We invite you to 'Negotiating Success', a session designed to provide you with the skills necessary to secure favorable outcomes while maintaining and even enhancing your relationships.

In this session, you'll learn how to plan your negotiation strategy, setting clear goals, identifying potential obstacles, and charting a path to success. We'll explore the vital role of preparation – from understanding your position and pinpointing your negotiation counterpart's needs, to determining the best and worst outcomes.

Next, we'll delve into the psychology of negotiation. Understand how to use emotions effectively, leverage cognitive biases, and harness the power of persuasion to influence outcomes in your favor. We'll also discuss how to remain calm and composed when negotiations get tough.

Communication is at the heart of negotiation, so we'll share techniques for articulating your case clearly, listening actively, and using questions strategically. We'll even touch on the art of indirect communication and body language, equipping you with a full arsenal of negotiation skills.

Whether your negotiation involves a large-scale deal, an important business decision, or a simple scheduling conflict, the ability to navigate it effectively can make all the difference. Join 'Negotiating Success' and acquire the tactics, strategies, and confidence you need to negotiate successfully in every aspect of your business and personal life.

2:00 — 2:30pm

Powerful Partnerships: Strategies for Vendor-Property Management Collaboration

Successful multifamily operations are built on more than just lease agreements and occupancy rates. They're also heavily reliant on effective and mutually beneficial partnerships with vendors. 'Building Powerful Partnerships' is a session devoted to empowering both vendors and property management executives to form strong, lasting relationships that drive success.

Join us as we explore the critical components of effective vendor-property management collaborations. We’ll start by detailing the importance of selecting the right vendor partners - those whose values align with yours and who are equipped to meet your business needs.

Next, we'll delve into strategies for effective communication and mutual understanding. Learn how to clearly articulate your expectations, listen to and address vendor concerns, and work together to solve challenges and improve your operations.

We'll cover the essential elements of a successful vendor contract, discussing how to create agreements that are clear, fair, and set both parties up for success. Understand what should be included in these contracts to protect your interests, ensure service quality, and maintain a positive working relationship.

Trust and reliability are cornerstones of any successful partnership. We'll discuss ways to build and maintain trust with your vendors, reinforcing the importance of honesty, transparency, and consistency.

Finally, we'll share tips for troubleshooting and resolving conflicts when they arise. We'll provide strategies for dealing with common issues and ensuring your partnership remains strong even in the face of adversity.

Whether you're a property management executive looking to form alliances with reliable vendors, or a vendor looking to better understand and meet the needs of property managers, 'Building Powerful Partnerships' will provide you with practical strategies to cultivate successful relationships and advance your multifamily operations.

2:30 — 3:00pm

How Disruptive Technologies are Reshaping Corporate Structures

As the multifamily industry evolves, so must our organizational structures. In this session, we will explore the "Org Chart of the Future," focusing on innovative ways to design and implement dynamic, efficient, and effective teams that drive success and resident satisfaction.

We'll dive into how rethinking traditional roles and hierarchies can lead to significant improvements in NOI, employee engagement, and overall operational efficiency. Industry leaders will share their experiences and insights on creating flexible, responsive, and forward-thinking organizational charts that meet the demands of today's market.

Key takeaways will include:

  • Strategies for designing an org chart that fosters collaboration, innovation, and agility.

  • Best practices for redefining roles, including the evolution of leasing agents and other key positions.

  • Insights into integrating technology and data-driven decision-making into your organizational structure.

  • Real-life examples of successful organizational transformations in the multifamily industry.

3:00 — 4:00pm

Cocktails & Networking

Connect with industry leaders over a drink and good conversation before you head off to your own private dinners in downtown Phoenix!

Meet up with our event partners in the exclusive private lounge for one to one meetings.

Use this opportunity to continue networking and building relationships.

Don't Miss out! Attend the Multifamily Women® Summit