multifamily women podcast kim senn cross

Building Connections and Embracing Technology in Multifamily with Kim Senn Cross

What happens when you bring a multifaceted leader like Kim Senn Cross onto our show? You get a treasure trove of insights from her inspiring journey that spans over three decades in the multifamily industry. Kim, who started her career at Lincoln Property Company in 1990, has navigated through significant roles at an internet startup, RealPage, and Prime Group before eventually founding her own boutique consulting firm, The KSC Group.

In this episode, Kim candidly shares the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial journey, shedding light on the diverse services offered by KSC Group, from business applications and managed services to specialized training for property management companies. Kim also opens up about the unique challenges she’s faced as a woman entrepreneur and emphasizes the importance of trusted advisors and continuous learning in overcoming these hurdles.

Networking and maintaining relationships are critical in any industry, and Kim provides a masterclass in the art of building connections. We explore the value of events like the Women’s Summit in fostering both professional networks and personal friendships. Kim reminisces about reunions with past colleagues and underscores the importance of never burning bridges. This chapter also delves into the excitement around new technologies like nectarflow™ AI and automation, emphasizing how industry advocates play a pivotal role in driving innovation. We also discuss team dynamics and how having a single point of contact for clients can enhance service delivery while ensuring team flexibility and skill development.

Embracing innovation is not without its discomforts, especially with the rapid advancements in AI and cybersecurity. Kim speaks passionately about the necessity for proper education to alleviate these fears and encourages leaders to embrace rather than shy away from these changes. She highlights the importance of industry advocates like KSC Group in helping companies navigate these shifts. 

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multifamily women podcast michelle childers

Strategies for Effective Industry Relationship Management with Michelle Childers of Chadwell Supply

Unlock the secrets of thriving in the multifamily industry with Michelle Childers, Vice President of Industry Relations at Chadwell Supply, as she shares her inspiring journey from leasing consultant to industry leader. Discover how Michelle’s transition to Chadwell was shaped by the family-like culture that defines their work environment. 

Chadwell Supply is the largest privately owned Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) supply company in the United States. Exclusively focused on serving multifamily communities, their team partners with property owners, managers, and maintenance professionals, working hard every day to make their lives easier. Their success is a direct result of a passion for providing unforgettable service. Chadwell Supply is a knowledgeable, solution-oriented partner their customers know they can trust.

Gain insights into the importance of supportive workplace dynamics and how family involvement can create a nurturing atmosphere that boosts morale and productivity.

Ever wondered how the complexities of managing sponsorships and client relationships are tackled in property management? Michelle dives into the intricate balancing act of resource allocation, from local to national responsibilities, and the importance of supporting charitable initiatives. 

Learn the critical role of communication, honesty, and proactive engagement in maintaining strong client partnerships, and explore the impact of her charitable activities and strategies for effective industry relationship management.

Michelle also shares her firsthand experiences with key industry events like the Multifamily Women® Summit. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the collaborative spirit of her marketing team and the value of genuine connections over traditional trade show formats. 

Plus, hear about the transformative power of routine during the COVID-19 pandemic and the exciting world of podcasting as a vital communication tool within the multifamily industry. Join us for an episode filled with actionable insights and inspiring stories that highlight the importance of community and innovation in multifamily housing.

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multifamily women podcast lauren stinson (1)

Enhancing Multifamily Operations with AI, Automation, and Strategic Marketing

On this episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast, Host Carrie Antrim introduces the new Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Media for Multifamily Leadership, Lauren Stinson.

Dive into the heart of intentional marketing and uncover how a well-crafted story can elevate your brand and foster deep connections with your audience. Lauren shares actionable tips on leveraging storytelling to create emotional bonds, build loyalty, and stand out in a competitive landscape. Imagine transforming your marketing efforts into a narrative that resonates and engages—this episode reveals exactly how to achieve that.

The discussion also explores the role of automation and AI in multifamily and how it can be utilized in enhancing business operations. Learn how these tools can streamline processes such as content creation and customer engagement, freeing up your team to focus on strategic tasks that drive growth. Hear real-world examples of how automation and AI can optimize your marketing efforts, ensure brand consistency, and improve SEO strategies.

In addition, the episode highlights the upcoming Multifamily Women® Summit, an event that brings together industry leaders to share insights, network, and collaborate. This episode offers a glimpse of the valuable discussions and strategies you can expect at the Summit.

Don’t miss this episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast. Gain valuable knowledge on marketing strategies, storytelling, and the use of automation and AI to enhance your business operations and lead with confidence in the multifamily industry.

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Empowering Multifamily Women and Overcoming Burnout Together

Empowering Multifamily Women and Overcoming Burnout Together

We’ve all been there, facing the multifaceted challenges of staffing and training in the apartment industry. Our roles require us to juggle recruiting, hiring, upskilling, and team development, all while striving to maintain a semblance of work-life balance. This intricate dance can often lead us toward the brink of burnout. But there’s hope. As women leaders in multifamily, we can empower ourselves and our teams with strategies to navigate these challenges effectively.

The quest for top talent is a constant in our industry. As we compete for the best, we must ensure that our multifamily recruitment strategies are not just about filling positions but also about finding individuals aligned with our company culture and values. It’s about building a team that will grow with us. The upcoming Multifamily Women® Summit gives us the chance to dive into recruitment tactics that are both innovative and inclusive, ensuring that our workforce reflects the diversity and dynamism we value.

Once we’ve recruited our ideal candidates, the next challenge is training. But traditional onboarding methods can be time-consuming and ineffective. We need training programs that not only impart necessary skills but also encourage continuous personal and professional growth. It’s about fostering a learning culture within our organizations.

Investing in training is not a mere expense; it’s about building an empowered workforce. To understand this better, attending events like the Multifamily Women® conference offers deeper insight into effective training methodologies that can be tailored to multifamily settings.

The ultimate goal of any leader is to build a thriving team while sustaining their own well-being. We don’t have to choose between the two. By implementing better time management, defining clear boundaries, and using technology to automate where possible, we can create a balanced environment that boosts productivity without compromising our health or happiness. The podcast discussions on multifamily topics offer an array of insights to help us achieve this equilibrium.

Join industry leaders and visionaries at the Multifamily Women® Summit to gain invaluable insights and tools on empowering women in the apartment industry. Navigate staffing and training challenges without burnout. Don’t miss out—register today!

FAQs About the Multifamily Women® Summit

Q: Who should attend the Multifamily Women® Summit?
A: Women Multifamily Executives, COOs, CFOs, and leaders in the apartment industry looking to scale, transform, and differentiate their business.

Q: What topics will be covered at the Summit?
A: The summit will cover a broad range of topics including leadership, technology innovation, efficient operations, hiring strategies, and professional development, tailored to the multifamily industry.

Q: How can attending the Summit benefit my professional growth?
A: By providing a space for networking with peers, learning from industry experts, and gaining insights into the latest trends and strategies, the Summit can significantly impact career advancement and operational success.

Q: Is the content provided at the Summit trustworthy and authoritative?
A: Absolutely. The Multifamily Women® Summit prides itself on delivering content that adheres to the highest standards of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Q: Can the Summit help me find solutions for technology adoption and cost management?
A: Yes, the Summit is a valuable resource for discovering cost-efficient tech solutions, managing overheads, and making informed decisions about technology adoption within your organization.

Q: Will there be opportunities to discuss my specific challenges and learn from others?
A: The Summit encourages active participation, sharing challenges, and exchanging experiences. Engage in peer-to-peer discussions for personalized insights and shared growth.

Resilience Strategies

Resilience Strategies for Women in Multifamily Management

Change is a relentless force, particularly felt in the dynamic world of apartment management. As multifamily housing evolves, resilience becomes a pivotal trait, especially for women steering this charge. So, what does it take to not just survive but thrive amidst change? It requires an unshakeable blend of grit, adaptability, and yes, a strategic understanding of resilience.

Understanding the landscape, first and foremost, is critical. The multifamily industry is no stranger to upheaval — from technological advancements to fluctuations in market trends. Women in multifamily are consistently balancing rising costs, investor relations, and the integration of technology into every corner of their business. A desire for seamless operations and happy tenants clashes against the backdrop of unpredictable changes.

One of the core strategies for bolstering resilience is continuous learning and development. Engaging in events that stimulate professional growth is essential. The Multifamily Women Summit provides a platform for women executives to share their experiences, learn from industry peers, and discover fresh perspectives on overcoming obstacles. In the face of complex tech integrations, it offers insights on maintaining control over data while still making tenants’ lives easier through technology.

Another facet of resilience is leadership. Understanding the multifamily business at a fundamental level can be channeled into effective decision-making — a skill that improves with exposure to diverse thought leadership. The Summit’s opportunities for multifamily networking not only enhance knowledge but also offer support from kindred spirits who are navigating similar challenges.

Aptitude in harnessing cutting-edge technology shouldn’t be undervalued. The desire for technology adoption that integrates effortlessly into workflows is a prominent desire for women in multifamily. The resources and discussions offered through innovation in multifamily housing can provide the guidance needed to make informed decisions that align with company values and efficiency.

Amidst this all, striking a work-life balance is more than a luxury — it’s a necessity for sustained success. When personal well-being aligns with professional demands, resilience is not just about bouncing back; it’s about bouncing forward. Podcasts can be a valuable tool on the journey to resilience, offering accessible insights and stories of grit and growth in the multifamily space. Women are finding their stride by tuning into podcast discussions on multifamily topics that resonate with their current challenges.

Thriving amidst change is no small feat, but with the right strategies and support, it’s not only possible — it’s within reach. The journey to resilience is ongoing, and it’s one that multifamily women can undertake together, fostering not just individual success, but also propelling the industry forward.

Join industry leaders and visionaries at the Multifamily Women® Summit to gain invaluable insights and tools in resilience strategies. Don’t miss out—register today!

FAQs about the Multifamily Women® Summit:

  • What can I expect to gain from the Multifamily Women® Summit?
    You can look forward to developing stronger leadership skills, learning about seamless technology adoption, and engaging in vital networking opportunities, all tailored to elevate your professional journey within the multifamily industry.
  • How can the Summit help me manage changes in the industry?
    The Summit provides a diverse array of expert speakers and peer-to-peer discussions that focus on practical strategies for resilience, adaptability, and innovation amidst continuous industry evolution.
  • Will there be opportunities to discuss specific challenges faced by women in multifamily?
    Yes, the Summit is designed to foster open dialogues on the unique challenges and opportunities for women in the industry, encouraging shared experiences and collective problem-solving.
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Lisa Britt Joins the Multifamily Innovation® Council, Bringing Over Two Decades of Leadership Excellence

Scottsdale, Arizona – April 22, 2024 – The Multifamily Innovation® Council proudly welcomes Lisa Britt as the newest member of its esteemed executive-level membership organization. Lisa, a leader with more than 20 years of experience in the multifamily industry, brings a deep-seated passion for process optimization and customer experience enhancement to the Council. Currently, Lisa serves as the Director of Corporate Initiatives at Kotarides Property Management.

“I’m excited to be a part of such an inspiring group that has a shared goal of collaboration and growth in our industry!” exclaimed Lisa Britt, reflecting on her new venture with the Council. Her enthusiasm and dedication to industry success resonate with the primary mission of the Council—fostering practical innovation for business betterment, employee enrichment, and sustained demand for member companies.

Lisa has continuously demonstrated her aptitude for creating scalable processes and improving overall company growth, while keeping the all-important focus on fraud prevention. Her profound career journey in property management and her leadership at the helm of a unique shared services center—unparalleled in the field—exemplify the kind of performance-driven leadership the Council values, supporting members in unlocking latent value within their organizations.

At the core of Lisa’s achievements lie her formative years in sports, from which she garnered vital skills such as teamwork, leadership, loyalty, and perseverance. The crossover between triumphant athleticism and corporate success is distinctly evident in her approach to steering multifamily initiatives. Lisa’s dedication to sharing the lessons learned from her sports career, both professionally and personally, underpins her commitment to the Council’s vision of pooling collective wisdom and diverse insights.

Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Council, expressed his anticipation of Lisa’s impact on the Council, “Lisa’s wealth of experience in scaling operational excellence and her firsthand success in centralizing crucial services align perfectly with our mission. Her addition to our Council is certain to enrich our collective knowledge-base and enhance our ability to drive profitability and sustainability across the multifamily landscape.”

The Multifamily Innovation® Council is at the center of leadership, technology, AI, and innovation for the multifamily industry’s benefit. Its members enjoy unparalleled access to emerging technologies, infusing their companies with cutting-edge tools without heavy investments typically associated with venture capital funds.

For executives ready to elevate their organizations to new heights through technology and community-driven innovation, Lisa Britt exemplifies the transformative power of what being a Multifamily Innovation® Council member can provide. We extend a warm invitation to other industry professionals to join this synergistic movement towards a future of confidence, innovation, and triumphant multifamily enterprise.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:

The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We focus on the intersection of leadership, technology, AI, and innovation—emphasizing results and collaboration for business leaders determined to discover internal value, providing better experiences, and boosting company profitability.

To learn more about the Multifamily Innovation® Council or to join, please visit

Media Contact:
Patrick Antrim
Chairman, Multifamily Innovation® Council
[email protected]

debbie rae peters multifamily innovation council (1)

Multifamily Innovation® Council Welcomes Industry Powerhouse Debbie Rae Peters

Scottsdale, Arizona – April 8, 2024 – The Multifamily Innovation® Council, a consort of leading multifamily executives, is delighted to announce that Debbie Rae Peters, an industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in the NY Metro area, has joined the Council. Debbie Rae brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and expertise in marketing, online presence, and resident engagement acquired from her tenure at prominent real estate entities.

As Director of Marketing for Rose Property Management Group, Debbie Rae has been pivotal in revolutionizing multifamily property branding and lead generation strategies. With a storied career spanning positions at AvalonBay, AIMCO, Roseland, Greystar, and Beam Living, she is highly sought-after for her ability to implement creative and economically savvy marketing initiatives that propel leasing numbers while enriching the resident experience.

Debbie stated, “Being part of the Multifamily Innovation® Council presents a great opportunity to collaborate with industry peers and drive positive change in the multifamily industry. By connecting with others who share your passion for innovation, you can collectively address challenges and identify opportunities to enhance the industry and benefit everyone involved.”

Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership, expressed his enthusiasm for Debbie’s accession, “Debbie Rae Peters exemplifies the convergence of experience and innovation, reflecting our commitment to advancing the multifamily industry. Her dedication to fostering women’s ERGs and spearheading DEI initiatives will be instrumental in steering our Council towards a more inclusive and transformative future.”

The Council details its mission as follows: The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the profitable Multifamily Company. The Council is ardent about innovation for impactful outcomes, concentrating on leadership, technology AI, and advancement that drive bottom-line profits, employee gratification, and robust demand for services.

Joining the Council signifies a commitment to continuous enhancement and growth. Members, like Debbie Rae, bring proven insight and forward-thinking strategies to the collective table, positioning themselves as frontrunners in the ever-evolving multifamily industry landscape.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:
The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We are uniquely positioned to focus on the intersection of Technology, AI, Innovation, and Leadership.The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. 

For more information, visit

Media Contact: 

Patrick Antrim
Chairman, Multifamily Innovation® Council
[email protected]

sandra barfield multifamily innovation council

Multifamily Innovation® Council Welcomes Sandra Barfield, Leading the Charge in Operational Efficiency and Automation

Scottsdale, Arizona – April 2, 2024 — The Multifamily Innovation® Council, an executive membership organization dedicated to the intersection of leadership, technology, AI, and innovation within the multifamily industry, proudly announces the admission of Sandra Barfield to its executive level membership. With a rich 36-year track record in multifamily leadership, and her current pivotal role as Senior Vice President of Shared Services and Corporate Marketing at PeakMade Real Estate, Barfield brings a wealth of experience and an intricate understanding of operational efficiencies to the Council.

“Sandra Barfield’s impressive background in multifamily operations and marketing, coupled with her passion for innovation and centralization, aligns seamlessly with our purpose,” states Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership. “Her insights into training, sales, and the execution of large-scale projects will be invaluable to our collaborative efforts to drive profitability and create superior experiences within the industry. We are certain that her contributions will enhance our collective knowledge and our capability to navigate the multitude of challenges within the multifamily landscape with confidence and innovation.”

Barfield’s career is marked by a history of substantial impact on training, sales, marketing, and national facilities management, including heading a traveling operations team and participating in risk & compliance, ERG, and operating procedures committees. With her strategic direction, numerous new projects have been successfully launched, not to mention her role in orchestrating the planning and execution of an influential annual leadership conference. These accomplishments, coupled with her role as the executive sponsor of the Innovation and Centralization Committee at PeakMade, spotlight her strong commitment to enhancing operational workflows through smart automation, without compromising the client’s journey.

“As our industry continues to evolve, I am thrilled to join the Multifamily Innovation® Council and look forward to learning more and collaborating with my industry peers about new approaches to our business,” shares Barfield. Her enthusiasm to merge her extensive multifamily knowledge with this forward-thinking community signals the start of an exciting new era in meeting both the current and future needs of the multifamily industry.

The Multifamily Innovation® Council is built on a foundation of innovation that directly benefits business outcomes, enabling a support system that elevates member experience and sustains robust demand for their companies. The organization values results and collaboration, striving to unlock value for leaders in the multifamily business and facilitate profitability within their companies.

The Council welcomes Sandra Barfield and is confident her expertise in managing diverse teams and her reputation as an avid innovator will significantly contribute to the Council’s ongoing mission to empower industry executives. With her addition, the Council fortifies its trajectory towards yielding heightened abilities to manage uncertainty, bolster profitability, and advance competitiveness in the multifamily landscape.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:
The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We are uniquely positioned to focus on the intersection of Technology, AI, Innovation, and Leadership.The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. 

For more information, visit

Media Contact: 

Patrick Antrim
Chairman, Multifamily Innovation® Council
[email protected]

Multifamily Women Newsletter (5)

Celebrating Women’s History Month in the Multifamily Industry

As March ushers in the observance of Women’s History Month, it offers a moment for those of us in the multifamily industry to reflect on the transformative impact women have had—and continue to have—on our field. At Multifamily Women®, we are particularly poised to appreciate this moment, not only to celebrate the monumental achievements of women through history but also to acknowledge the dynamic leadership and innovation women bring to multifamily.

Women’s History Month is not just a time for reflection; it’s a call to action for leaders across the multifamily industry to recognize and harness the power of diverse leadership. As high-level executives, founders, and innovators, our commitment to fostering inclusive environments where women leaders thrive is pivotal. It’s about acknowledging the past, inspiring the present, and paving the way for a future where gender parity isn’t the goal but the norm.

The multifamily industry, like many others, has seen a significant shift towards more inclusive leadership. Women have moved from behind-the-scenes roles to front-line leaders, shaping policy, driving innovation, and leading companies towards unprecedented growth. Their contributions are not just in numbers but in the depth of impact, bringing unique perspectives that address complex challenges with creativity and resilience.

However, the journey is far from over. While we celebrate progress, we also recognize the barriers that still exist. As stewards of this industry, it’s incumbent upon us to lead with intentionality, ensuring our policies, practices, and platforms champion the cause of women’s advancement.

Diversity is the bedrock of innovation. The multifamily industry thrives on forward-thinking solutions that address the ever-changing needs of our residents and stakeholders. By elevating women into leadership positions and ensuring their voices are heard and valued, we unlock a wealth of creativity and insight that drives our industry forward.

The Multifamily Women® Summit, held every September, is a testament to our commitment to this cause. It’s more than an event; it’s a movement towards building a community where women in multifamily are empowered to lead, innovate, and inspire. Through keynote speeches, thoughtful discussions, and networking opportunities, we not only celebrate achievements but also equip attendees with the tools and knowledge to navigate and succeed in this dynamic industry.

As we commemorate Women’s History Month, let us also commit to action. Let’s mentor and sponsor promising female leaders within our organizations. Let’s challenge biases and break down systemic barriers that hinder progress. And let’s continue to create spaces where the achievements of women are not just celebrated one month a year but are integral to our industry’s ethos.

The journey of women in the multifamily industry is a narrative of resilience, leadership, and innovation. This Women’s History Month, let us all – men and women alike – pledge to not only remember the past but to actively shape a future where the multifamily industry sets the standard for gender equality and empowerment.

Together, we are not just marking history; we are making history. Let’s continue to lead with purpose, passion, and persistence. Because when women succeed, our industry thrives.

Multifamily Women Newsletter (3)

The Marcia Bollinger Effect Inspiring Women Leaders in Multifamily

An in-depth look at how Marcia Bollinger’s passion, innovation, and leadership have created a legacy of mutual success and community within the multifamily industry.

Marcia Bollinger is a name synonymous with excellence and vibrancy in the multifamily industry. Her radiant smile and genuine enthusiasm for connecting people are as impactful as her impressive professional milestones. With over four decades of dedication, Marcia stands out as a true champion and leader who sincerely celebrates every individual’s success.

At the heart of Marcia’s leadership is her unconditional support for others. Her presence is a warm blanket of encouragement that lights up any collaborative effort. This inherent desire to uplift is not just a personal trait but a professional strategy that has cultivated an ecosystem where mutual success is the standard.

Marcia’s role as the Senior Vice President for is far more than a title. It is a testament to her pivotal role in revolutionizing the way we connect people to their next home. Under her guidance, has grown into a juggernaut of Internet Listing Services. It’s no surprise that her innovative spirit was instrumental in launching the first digital platform for apartment communities. These advancements have not only reshaped our industry but also revolutionized the customer experience.

The longevity and depth of Marcia’s career provide a canvas of achievement that many aspire to emulate. Her contributions to digital marketing initiatives have redefined the approach to virtual communications, cementing her status as a forward-thinking maven in our field. Her dedication to building and nurturing customer relationships has set a remarkable benchmark for service excellence. Recognitions like the National Apartment Association’s 2003 NSC Paragon Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award are evidence of the real impact Marcia has had on individuals within the industry.

Marcia’s involvement with Multifamily Women® especially resonates with us, as her passion for leadership and empowerment aligns beautifully with our vision of elevating women’s roles in multifamily housing. Marcia’s legacy is not just built on groundbreaking platforms or accolades; it’s constructed on the countless personal victories she has championed, the teams she has led to happiness and success, and the industry relationships she has fortified.

Leaders like Marcia Bollinger are the glue that not only holds the multifamily industry together but also propels it with unwavering dynamism and heart. It’s essential to remember that behind every great initiative, project, or success, there is a leader who believes in the potential of their team and the industry. Marcia Bollinger is that leader—always present, always supportive, and always driving us towards a brighter, more connected future.

#MultifamilyWomen #WeAreMultifamily

jayde mcgivern multifamily innovation council

Multifamily Innovation® Council Welcomes Jayde McGivern, Director of Systems at RedPeak

Scottsdale, Arizona – February 21, 2024 — The Multifamily Innovation® Council is proud to announce that Jayde McGivern, a seasoned professional deeply dedicated to pioneering property management systems, has joined the ranks of its esteemed council members. With Jayde’s membership, the Council continues to uphold its commitment to driving innovation and operational excellence in the multifamily industry.

At RedPeak Real Estate, Jayde plays a pivotal role as the overseer of Information Technology. With a rich history spanning 22 years, RedPeak Real Estate has established itself as a prominent player in the Denver and Metro areas, boasting a portfolio of 3300 units. Jayde, a proven and hands-on technology leader, brings a wealth of experience to the table.

Jayde brings to the council a genuine passion for innovation, coupled with over a decade of property management experience. Her proven expertise in software implementation and project management has led to noteworthy advancements in operational efficiency and digital transformation at RedPeak. As the Director of Systems and a pivotal figure in the company’s Innovation Committee, she has been instrumental in formulating best practices that streamline company policies and enhance data integrity.

“It’s an honor to join the Multifamily Innovation® Council. Being a part of this signifies more than just a personal achievement; it represents a commitment to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in the multifamily industry,” said McGivern. “Now, as a member of this esteemed council, I am thrilled to contribute my experience and insights to shape the future of property management. This platform allows me to collaborate with other industry leaders, sharing best practices and pioneering strategies that will drive multifamily forward.”

Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership, Patrick Antrim, expressed his enthusiasm for Jayde’s addition to the council, “Having Jayde join the Multifamily Innovation® Council is a significant milestone for us. Jayde’s remarkable track record at RedPeak, especially in driving operational efficiency and spearheading digital transformation, aligns perfectly with the ethos and vision of our council. Her extensive experience and proactive approach in integrating technology with management practices are exactly the qualities we seek in our members.”

Jayde’s background is rich in diverse operational and technological roles which have shaped her into an exceptional asset for RedPeak. Her educational prowess, holding a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Management from Berea College, enhances her ability to leverage technology for efficient management practices. Jayde thrives in dynamic environments, utilizing her excellent communication, writing, and project management skills to manage multiple initiatives and lead cross-functional teams effectively.

Her strengths in providing best-in-class software support, diagnosing and resolving critical issues, and implementing change management processes solidify her as a key contributor to the Council’s mission of fostering trusted circles of prosperity within the multifamily industry.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:
The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We are uniquely positioned to focus on the intersection of Leadership, Technology, and Innovation. The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. 

For more information, visit

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Media Contact:
Email: [email protected]

Source: Multifamily Leadership

multifamily women newsletter krista hurley

Krista Hurley is Bridging Data Insights and Human Connections in Multifamily

Imagine a strong and impactful individual in the multifamily industry who truly cares about the business outcomes of her clients. Who is that? That’s Krista Hurley. She isn’t just another name in a sea of professionals; she represents leadership that’s genuinely transformative. Krista epitomizes the convergence of data-driven insights and human connection, all wrapped up in a smile that warms leaders across the industry.

With an 11-year tenure that began with the nuts and bolts of leasing, Krista’s journey is a testament to the adage that leaders are made, not born. Her ascent to Industry Principal at RealPage is a narrative of relentless passion, a keen understanding of multifamily data, and an innate ability to connect dots and people in ways that redefine networking.

In an industry where technology can seem cold and impersonal, Krista brings warmth. Her laughter is the harmonious soundtrack to the often complex PropTech landscape she navigates. She’s the person who won’t just shake your hand; she’ll remember your story, your challenges, and she’ll actively connect you to opportunities that can change the course of your multifamily journey.

But make no mistake, behind Krista’s smile lies a sharp mind that has mastered multifamily data and trends. Her role as an Industry Principal is multifaceted – she’s the guardian of client experiences, an advocate for seamless management solutions, and a champion for innovations that empower property owners, operators, and renters alike. Krista doesn’t sell products; she offers solutions to business challenges and builds relationships.

Her contribution to Multifamily Women® is equally notable. Krista understands that supporting women in our industry isn’t just about advocacy; it’s about creating spaces where we can lead, innovate, and inspire. Through her actions and commitment, Krista paves the way for peers and newcomers to envision a career that’s not just about climbing the ladder but also about uplifting the industry as a whole.

It’s leaders like Krista Hurley who remind us that the pulse of the multifamily industry beats strongest at the intersection of expertise and empathy. She’s an inspiration for many in our community and a powerful ally in the pursuit of transforming the multifamily industry from within. Her support for Multifamily Women® isn’t just a role; it’s part of who she is — an embodiment of proactive, people-centered, and forward-looking leadership.

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Multifamily Innovation® Council Welcomes Esteemed Industry Leader Tina West

Scottsdale, AZ – Multifamily Leadership proudly welcomes Tina West, Executive Vice President at Sares Regis Group, as the newest member of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council. 

Tina West, a highly accomplished figure in the multifamily property management industry, has joined the prestigious Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council, bringing with her a wealth of experience and strategic insight. Known for her high-energy, results-oriented leadership, West’s addition will enhance the collective expertise of industry leaders driving innovation in multifamily housing.

Currently at the helm of launching a national multifamily property management service, West has held pivotal roles in the industry, notably as a former Chief Operating Officer overseeing 40,000 units under third-party management in Texas, as well as launching multiple verticals with firms like Monarch Group and LMC. With an impressive career spanning over 30 years, West’s visionary strategies and hands-on approach have significantly impacted operations, client relationships, and overall industry growth.

Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership, expressed excitement about West’s inclusion: “Tina West is a remarkable addition to our esteemed council. Her extensive background in strategic leadership, team development, and innovative solutions aligns seamlessly with our mission to drive multifamily innovation forward. We eagerly anticipate her contributions.”

During her recent tenure as Executive Vice President  for the West Region, West managed a portfolio of 110,000 units from Texas to CA, showcasing her proficiency in driving growth and fostering high-performance teams. Her expertise in staffing, leading teams , and bottom-line profit generation has been instrumental in establishing industry benchmarks.

“I am honored to join the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council and contribute to shaping the future of our industry,” remarked West. “Being part of the Innovation Council not only allows me to learn and strategize from some of the best in the industry but my goal is to add value and give back to others from my own lessons learned.”

West’s focus on innovative ideas that drive sales and establish brand leadership in the marketplace aligns perfectly with the council’s ethos of fostering innovation and collaboration within the multifamily industry.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:
The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We are uniquely positioned to focus on the intersection of leadership, Technology, and Innovation.The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. 

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Source: Multifamily Leadership

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Strategic Innovator Heather Williams Brings Expertise to Multifamily Innovation® Council

December 20, 2023 – Scottsdale, AZ — Multifamily Leadership proudly welcomes Heather Williams, Vice President of Strategic Solutions at Willow Bridge Property Company, as the newest member of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council. Heather brings extensive experience and a forward-thinking approach to the council, enhancing the collective expertise of industry leaders shaping the future of multifamily housing.

At Willow Bridge Property Company, formerly known as Lincoln Property Company’s residential division, Heather oversees strategic solutions for over 75,000 units during her 16-year tenure. Her profound industry experience positions her uniquely to contribute invaluable insights to the Council.

Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership, expressed his enthusiasm about the new addition: “Heather Williams is a phenomenal asset to the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council. Her deep understanding of strategic solutions and technology implementation in the multifamily sector aligns perfectly with our mission. Heather’s innovative mindset and proven track record in enhancing resident experiences through technology will be invaluable in our continuous effort to advance the industry.”

Heather spearheads the programming aspect of technology across 9 states across the Southeast Region. She directly oversees the Southeast digital strategy, pre-development programming, and technology departments, meticulously crafting successful and measurable platforms for client success.

“I love technology,” Heather shares. “I’m always one of those people that wants to try things and beta test anything I can get my hands on.” Her passion for technology, coupled with a background in education, fuels her dedication to training and implementing cutting-edge solutions.

With a goal to bridge the gap between operations and marketing, Heather aims to explore innovative approaches to deploying technology that resonate across different generations, contributing to a more integrated living experience.

“Our industry is evolving at a rapid pace, the current market is redefining the need to focus on maximizing efficiency and navigating changing regulations being enacted across the country,” stated Kerry W. Kirby, Chair of Technology Initiatives for the Multifamily Innovation Advisory Council. “It is critical for industry leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas, and rethink operating models together. The council provides that structured platform, which is designed to transform, innovate, and set the stage for future success. Heather will be a valuable addition to our members, we are excited to have her join our prestigious group of thought-leaders.”

Heather emphasizes, “Innovation and technology are the architects of a better life. At Willow Bridge, we leverage these tools not just to stay ahead, but to sculpt an elevated resident experience, where every advancement contributes to a richer, more connected community.”

Council members benefit from Heather’s expertise, gaining insights into deploying technology effectively while bridging operational and marketing strategies. Her insights and dedication to improving the resident experience will undoubtedly elevate the industry’s standards.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council: The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. Through representation, inspiration, and support, the council fosters innovation, collaboration, and advancement within the multifamily sector. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Email: [email protected]
Source: Multifamily Leadership

best places to work multifamily for women

Multifamily Leadership Honors Companies in Best Places to Work Multifamily® for Women Rankings

Phoenix, Arizona – December 12, 2023 – The Multifamily Innovation® Summit, held on December 5-6, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona, was the prestigious backdrop for the unveiling of the Best Places to Work Multifamily® for Women rankings. This annual event, a focal point for the multifamily industry, welcomed senior executives from across the nation who gathered to celebrate and acknowledge the companies that are setting benchmarks in employee involvement and satisfaction.

The rankings, a critical component of recognizing industry leaders, were exclusively revealed to an audience of  multifamily executives. Each company listed first achieved recognition in the Best Places to Work Multifamily® before securing their position in the Best Places to Work Multifamily® for Women list. This two-tiered achievement underscores the commitment and success of these organizations in fostering a work environment where employee feedback and satisfaction are paramount.

The criteria for ranking were rigorous, emphasizing high levels of employee participation and positive response rates in internal surveys, and the requirement of being a recognized “Best Place to Work Multifamily®” in the current year. This benchmarking provides a transparent and comprehensive view of the companies leading the way in employee engagement and satisfaction within the multifamily industry.

The Best Places to Work Multifamily® for Women list, a prestigious recognition in the multifamily industry, sets rigorous criteria for organizations aspiring to be acknowledged for their commitment to inclusivity. To qualify, companies must have a minimum of 15 women on their team, regardless of the organization’s size. For organizations with over 60 employees, at least 25% of the workforce should be female. A key factor is the female response rate to internal surveys, which must be 40% or higher, and even more stringent at 80% for employers with less than 25 women. A minimum of 10 female responses is mandatory for consideration. Additionally, organizations must be recognized as a “Best Place to Work” for the current year and demonstrate an 80% average positive response rate among their female employees. For larger companies that conduct selective employee surveys, a minimum of 40% of the respondents should be women. 

This comprehensive set of criteria underscores the importance of female representation and satisfaction in the workplace, highlighting the industry’s commitment to fostering equitable and inclusive work environments.

1 Zocalo Community Development
2 NorthPoint Management
3 The Garrett Companies
4 Stoa Group, LLC
5 Luves Management LLC DBA City Heights Asset Management
6 FCI Residential
7 GrayCo Properties
8 RealSource Properties
10 StoneRiver Company
11 SYNC Residential
12 American Communities
13 Decron Properties
14 Stone Mountain Properties
15 Scully Company
16 Avanti Residential
17 Chestnut Hill Realty
18 Eenhoorn, LLC
19 Hankin Apartments
20 The REMM Group
21 IMT Residential
22 Liv Communities LLC
23 TriBridge Residential
24 Apartment Dynamics
25 Alco Management, Inc.
26 Fogelman Properties
27 WRH Realty Services
28 Monument Real Estate Services
29 Carter-Haston Real Estate Services, Inc.
30 Park Properties Management Co
31 Trilogy Real Estate Group
32 Lawson
33 DASMEN Residential
34 ResProp Management
35 GoldOller Real Estate Investments
36 Westdale Asset Management
37 PEG Property Management Group
38 Kaftan Communities
39 Portico Property Management
40 The RADCO Companies
41 Presidium
42 Sunbelt Properties
43 Vidalta Property Management
44 Northland Investment Corporation
45 JVM Realty
46 Killam Apartment REIT
47 The Life Properties
48 Keener Management, LLC
49 Klingbeil Capital Management

1 The KSC Group
3 Real Estate Business Analytics (REBA)
4 Spherexx
5 Leonardo247, Inc.
8 Digible Inc
9 HappyCo, Inc.
10 Funnel
11 Grace Hill

The Multifamily Innovation® Summit, through these rankings, continues to highlight and celebrate the companies that are not just excelling in business but are also paving the way for an inclusive and engaging work environment. As the industry evolves, these rankings serve as a testament to the ongoing commitment to excellence and employee-centric practices in the multifamily sector.

For more information about this year and previous years’ rankings, and to register for the Best Places to Work Multifamily®, please visit Multifamily Women®:

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[email protected]

multifamily women podcast jennifer carter

Empathy & Innovation: The Dual Engines of Multifamily Success with Jennifer Carter

In today’s episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast, host Carrie Antrim sits down with Jennifer Carter, the Customer Advocacy Manager at HappyCo, to delve into the twin pillars of empathy and innovation that are transforming the multifamily industry. Jennifer’s rich cross-industry background empowers her with unparalleled insights, and today she’s sharing them exclusively with you.

multifamily women podcast pfister faucets

Unlocking Value in Multifamily: The Pfister Advantage in Design and Utility

As part of our Multifamily Women® Summit, we share time with innovative brands as part of our “Meet the Sponsors” series that showcases those brands that are supporting the platform to advance technology, innovation, leadership, and investments.

This episode features a discussion with Shannon Irby, the National Account Manager for New Construction at Pfister Faucets. Pfister is a brand that actively supports the platform, promoting technology and innovation within the industry.

Renowned globally for their product innovation, design, and value, Pfister’s designers are based in California, surrounded by forward-thinking designs from various industries such as automotive, aeronautics, computers, and fashion. By following trends in fashion, home design, and car manufacturing, among others, Pfister crafts new and exciting products.

Pfister also prioritizes practical innovation, ensuring their multifamily products are easy to install, clean, and use in everyday life. Working closely with multifamily developers and owners, Pfister tailors their offerings to each customer’s needs, whether that means providing a wide range of options or simplifying the selection process. In essence, Pfister is a full-service manufacturer that offers a diverse range of products, from entry-level to designer custom products for multifamily developers and owners.

[00:05:13] Push and Seal drain innovation for multifamily properties.
[00:06:03] Practical innovation for everyday life using Pfister Faucets and other multifamily products.
[00:10:02] Pfister’s origin story.
[00:13:14] American Plumber Stories – Pfister’s Web Series.
[00:17:55] Inspiring the next generation of leaders.

Shannon Irby Email: [email protected]
Shannon Irby LinkedIn:
Pfister Faucets:
American Plumber Series:

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multifamily women podcast realpage

The Future of Multifamily: An Insider’s View with RealPage Industry Principals

On today’s episode, host Carrie Antrim talked with Krista Hurley and Talisa Dever who are both seasoned Industry Principals at RealPage. When it comes to leveraging technology to drive efficiencies and increase ROI, these women are the go-to authority. They have been instrumental in shaping innovative strategies that have not just disrupted but transformed the way we think about property management and resident engagement.

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Bridging The Gap Between Operational Performance And Financial Impact With Amber Tran

In this episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast, host Carrie Antrim interviews Amber Tran, Product Designer at Vizibly. This episode is part of our “Meet the Sponsors” Series where we get to know the brands creating the most forward-thinking innovations in software and technology to offer solutions for multifamily property management and ownership to become more efficient and successful.

Amber shares her insights on user-centered design and how it can be applied to the world of multifamily property management. She discusses her role at Vizibly and the importance of designing experiences that add value to the end user.

The success of a design or product in property management is measured by its ability to provide a user experience that caters to the needs of property managers. Amber emphasizes the importance of a simplified user interface that is still complex enough for power users, aiming to strike a balance where technology is useful and enhances property managers’ efficiency.

Technology is not meant to replace jobs but rather to support and enhance human efficiency. Amber addresses the fear that technology will replace jobs, clarifying that it is more of a transition. The purpose of technology in this context is to provide property managers and on-site teams with more time to focus on building relationships.

While technology can automate tasks and streamline processes, it cannot replace the human touch and understanding necessary in property management. The goal of technology is to give property managers more time and enable them to be faster and more efficient. The success of a design or product in this context is measured by its ability to improve outcomes, processes, and user experience.

[00:01:43] Being a product designer in the multifamily industry.
[00:06:01] Designing for different user groups.
[00:07:18] Fail fast and learn fast.
[00:12:08] User-friendly multifamily budgeting with Vizibly.
[00:15:48] Software design and budgeting.
[00:19:36] Decision intelligence and user feedback with Vizibly.
[00:23:16] Budgeting stages and user feedback.
[00:26:10] Multifamily Women® Leadership Series.

Amber Tran on LinkedIn:

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Empowering Leadership and Re-Imagining Team Structures with Ashley Lipp

In this episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast, host Carrie Antrim and Ashley Lipp, VP of Residential Property Management at Lloyd Companies, discuss the importance of cultivating a strong relationship with oneself as a leader, and how new leaders often underestimate the significance of this internal connection. It is stressed that without a healthy relationship with oneself and a commitment to self-honesty, it is unlikely for a leader to inspire and motivate others.

angela flick multifamily women

Driving Change in Multifamily: Angela Flick on Adapting and Innovating

On this episode of the Multifamily Women® Podcast, host Carrie Antrim speaks with Angela Flick, Vice President of Strategic Solutions at Mack Property Management. Angela has extensive experience in the industry, having worked for Greystar, Riverstone Residential Group, and ConAm Management. Angela is a member of the Multifamily Innovation® Council and loves talking about prop-tech and innovation.

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Lloyd Companies VP, Ashley Lipp, Joins Industry-Leading Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council

March 8, 2023 – Scottsdale, AZ — Multifamily Leadership is pleased to announce Ashley Lipp, Vice President of Residential Property Operations at Lloyd Companies, has joined the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council. This esteemed council is made up of industry leaders and innovators who come together to share their expertise and insights on the multifamily industry.

Lipp states, “I’m excited to join this group of multifamily professionals which has already proven to offer invaluable insight on the opportunities and challenges our industry faces. I have connected with several new colleagues and believe the networking opportunities this group offers will greatly benefit both my professional growth and Lloyd Companies as a whole.”

As a member of the council, Lipp will provide valuable insight and expertise in the multifamily industry, bringing her wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Lipp leads the Residential Property Management team at Lloyd Companies, overseeing more than 8,500 multi-family units in the portfolio.

“Ashley is already a vital member of our Council, and we are thrilled to have her expertise and contributions to the industry,” said Chairman, Patrick Antrim. “We have no doubt that she will bring valuable insights and ideas to the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council.”

Lipp is passionate about helping others achieve their professional goals and development, and is dedicated to empowering her team at Lloyd Companies. In her role as Vice President, she guides the Residential Property Management team in all of their functions and leads the vision, operations, and training for the division.

In addition to her professional pursuits, Lipp is dedicated to her personal interests and enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as playing competitive sports. She received her education from the University of South Dakota, where she studied Contemporary Media & Journalism. 

Council members enjoy access to weekly meetings, a private community, and an annual in-person summit, as well as the opportunity to share insights and learn from a diverse group of successful multifamily owners and operators. Membership is open to those who own or manage multifamily apartments with 1,500+ units under management.

“It’s not just about technology,” said Antrim. “It’s about the processes, leadership, and innovation required to make the business better. We are excited to continue supporting our members as they build and scale their businesses, and we welcome new members to join us in driving innovation in the multifamily industry.”

For more information about the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council, please visit

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[email protected]

Source: Multifamily Leadership